Thursday, June 11, 2009

The song of the night, 

Does anything have a song, it is my belief that everything that we do has a tune to it, and there is a music flowing within each and every single one of us, in fact song, music is the only language which can transcend all barriers of religion, creed, caste, nationality, ideals, for music does not require any of this, all it needs is a ear and a heart to receive it.

But, does all things in the world have a song to sing, if so then does death sing as well, I think so, and I DO NOT compare death to the night. For me night is a place of absolute tranquility and peace, it’s the place where no harm can ever befall any person, all murders and all crimes are committed In the heat and glare of the day, because during the night everyone sleeps, and as it may sound stupid criminals are not children of the night, they are working a shift based system, and the ones who get the night shift do the only thing they can, they sleep. Then who are the so called children of the Night I think it is meant literally, rather than figuratively, for it must refer to the people who understand real peace and the ones who loves the quite the Night brings, mythically it meant the Vampires, and what were they blood sucking monsters, but now they have migrated to the sun world, and the crucifers are being trapped in the night, 

I always wonder, music is the one thing that connect everyone, then why not have music and arts of every single country in the world be taught in every other country, for people connect much better to the musical notes than the notes of hatred and violence which is all what we hear today. It has been rightly said that man loves violence and death, and how do I proof this, simple, the very name of Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath sends a sort of electric pulse through the body of any metal head, me included, but the lyrics of their songs, the way the music video has been taken tells us that humans love the stench and the personification of death, hell, the Grim Reaper is much more famous than God himself, not that I am against the Goths or any other group, its jus that we as a society are moving away, drifting far away from each other, only having a few to comfort us, and in some cases not even that few,

All great civilizations before their collapse had shown signs of the coming end, a type of fore warning, and yet we fail to see the obvious sign of collapse, internal disputes, assassination, the probability of a third world war is menacingly becoming a reality. And what are we doing about it, nothing, absolutely nothing; we are so entrenched in our daily lives that we fail to see what is happening around us.

The melody of the Night is the only respite I get from all this, 

And its forlorn song shall and must remind us of the future, ours and this world......

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Song of the Night, 

well what do u think i ll be posting here, i was being told that i will only post stuff related to the night, murders, and other anti- social activties

why does a name mean so much, i love the night and i gave my blog that name, it does not mean am gonna dwell only in speaking bout it....

Well, recently all my close friends have been using a new lingo, which goes like "I Shall Pwn You", at first it absolutely no sense to me, i thought that it was the influx of rock music which was having a adverse affect on their brain patterns, cos all my neighbours have been telling me the same thing when i play my stereo too loud. But that means even i'm a metal head, so that cant be it, and then eventually i came to the core of the matter, and it was WoW, The increase in the number of ppl using broad band has directly lead to an increase in the number of online players and this resulted in the formation of strange new lingos which new i had trouble grasping, no that i was any good with new terms to begin with,  As i write this, my mind drifts to the laptop with my brother from whom i hear the distinct sound of swords clashing, and the heroes mutterin some phrases which make no sense, though i must admit the game play and the sound efffect and the story play in the game is extremely good, and its not short wonder that ppl fell in love with this game.

I read an article in a reputed paper on day that said gaming is extremely harmful for children and exposes them to violence at an young and tender age and that they start to nurture the feeling still they have attained peace, i almost laughed my ars out after readin this, clearly the writer must have not switched on his television in the near future, or must have not read bout the wars and the attacks on peace, i mean tv these days is worse than a game of C.S, personally i think C.S is a child play when compared to the real world, which is why the majority of C.S players are under the age of 18. 

Why is that people love fighting, a famous anime character answered that, it is in the blood of humans, they all love the stench of death, the cries of pain, the sufferings and the blood shed, for we are group of people who idolizes rock bands which make death and blood their core attraction, apart from the soul lifting music,

well i guess that i have said or written too much, considering the fact that i never use my brain for long spams .....

peace People